
June 13, 2022
Web / Frontend

About Client

  • BINUS University
  • Human and Computer Interaction Lab Course


Create a website for coffee store

Tools & Technologies

HTML, CSS, JavaScript



FArbucks is a coffee store website that was founded in December 2021. Its branches are spread all over the world. FArbucks provides several types of coffee and held events.

Because FArbucks has been around for a long time, FArbucks plans to change the appearance of its website to provide a new atmosphere for users. First, FArbucks needs to create a website prototype and company website that represents the FArbucks image. With this website, FArbucks hopes to improve service to its customers. FArbucks entrusts you as a web designer to design their website prototype and create a company website.

The requirements from FArbucks are described below:

FArbucks wants you to build the website attractive, appealing and fully functional, and make sure the website is responsive. The website should be accessible using a mobile phone in a perfect way. To achieve that, use 5 kinds of CSS property and JavaScript. Use Meta viewport tag and media screen rule that will be applied if the screen is below 810px screen width.

The website consists of five main pages. They are Home, Coffee, Events, About Us, and Register.

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© 2024, Fico Pangestu. Originally made by Stoman and modified by Fico